PhD, FAcadMEd (Hon)
Associate Director and Senior Scientist, Centre for Health Education Scholarship
Professor and Director of Education Research and Scholarship, Dept. of Medicine
Vancouver General Hospital
Dr. Kevin Eva completed his PhD in Cognitive Psychology in 2001 and became Editor-in-Chief for the journal Medical Education in 2008. He maintains a number of international appointments, including visiting professor at the University of Bern (Switzerland), and has consulted broadly around the globe including advisory roles for the National Board of Medical Examiners (US) and National Health Services Education (Scotland). He co-founded the Maastricht-Canada Masters of Health Professional Education program.
Recent awards for Dr. Eva’s work include an Honourary Fellowship from the Academy of Medical Educators (UK), MILES Award for Mentoring, Innovation, and Leadership in Education Scholarship from the Asia-Pacific Medical Education Conference (Singapore), the President’s Award for Exemplary National Leadership from the Association of Faculties of Medicine in Canada, the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Medical Council of Canada, and the John P. Hubbard Award from the National Board of Medical Examiners (USA).
Dr. Eva’s current research interests are broadly defined within the context of research into educational practices within the health professions. They include research into:
- The value and limits of subjectivity as a means of assessing performance
- The promotion and assessment of non-academic characteristics in professional practice
- The context specific nature of performance
- The conceptualization, nature, and use of self-assessment
- The psychological processes that impact upon one’s responsiveness to feedback
- The nature of clinical expertise
Dr. Eva’s scholarly focus spans the career of health professionals including research into the development, maintenance, and assessment of competence and expertise, the selection of students for health professional training programs, teaching and assessment of clinical reasoning strategies, and the role of self-regulation in professional practice. Through his editorship and this research program he strives to promote thoughtful, empirically-based and theory-oriented approaches to the study of practically-relevant educational issues that are informed by knowledge growth in a variety of relevant basic science disciplines.
Through the Centre for Health Education Scholarship, Dr. Eva aims to encourage and support interprofessional, interdisciplinary, and international collaboration for the dual purposes of strengthening health professional education research as a scientific field of study in its own right and optimizing the field’s contributions to the educational and clinical practices of the health professions.
Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in Medical Education (2022)