Clinical Assistant Professor
Faculty of Medicine Undergraduate Director—Year 3,4
Vancouver General Hospital
Dr. Cary Cuncic is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine. She completed her Masters in Medical Education at the University of Dundee with her thesis focused on preceptor perspectives during undergraduate longitudinal integrated clerkships.
Dr. Cuncic has made numerous administrative contributions to the Department, including the role of the VGH Discipline Specific Site leader for four years, and submissions towards the continuing development of educational curriculum and materials. For the past two years she has been the Associate Program Director for the Internal Medicine Residency program responsible for assessment and remediation. Dr. Cuncic is currently working on ways to improve the ambulatory experience for undergraduate students by participating in the implementation of a Scholarly Write- Up (accepted at CCME) and developing a GIM fellows as teachers rotation (submitted to ICRE). She has developed a clinical skills remedial rotation for second-year medical students and has served on the Student Promotions and Review Board for the past two years.
Dr. Cuncic is actively involved in clinical teaching, with medical students and residents on Clinical Teaching Units and Ambulatory clinics at VGH, and with GIM fellows during her outreach medicine at Ravensong Community Health Centre and GF Strong.