Associate Professor
St. Paul’s Hospital
Dr. Liam Brunham is an Associate Professor of Medicine at UBC and a Principal Investigator at the Centre for Heart Lung Innovation. Dr. Brunham completed his PhD under the supervision of Dr. Michael Hayden in Medical Genetics and was awarded the Governor’s General’s Gold Medal, the most prestigious award offered to graduating doctoral students at Canadian universities. Dr. Brunham is a general internist with a focus on clinical lipidology and is an attending physician at the Health Heart Program Prevention clinic at St. Paul’s Hospital, one of the largest specialty lipid clinics in Canada.
Dr. Brunham’s research focuses on understanding how changes in specific genes contribute to differences in drug-response as well as to alterations in plasma lipid levels and their relationship to metabolic and cardiovascular disease. His laboratory uses cutting-edge approaches in human genetics, including genome-wide association studies and next-generation sequencing to investigate the role of genetic variation in these phenotypes. His laboratory also uses genome-editing tools and stem-cell based cellular models to dissect the functional impact of genetic variants and investigate molecular mechanisms underlying adverse drug reactions.
- Genetics
- Cardiovascular disease
- Pharmacogenomics
- Stem cells
Study to Avoid cardioVascular Events in BC (SAVE BC)
Canadian Cardiovascular Society’s Young Investigator Award in Basic Science (2020)
CIHR New Investigator
Heart & Stroke Foundation National New Investigator
Governor General’s Gold Medal