Clinical Professor
St. Paul’s Hospital
Dr. Jake Onrot has been on staff in General Internal Medicine at St. Paul’s Hospital and UBC since 1985. He trained at University of Toronto and did a fellowship in Clinical Pharmacology and Hypertension at Vanderbilt in Nashville. He has served on national boards of the Canadian Society of Clinical Pharmacology (CSCP), and Canadian Hypertension Society (CHS), and is a proud charter member of the Canadian Society of Internal Medicine, the American Society of Hypertension, and the CHS. He has hung up his hypertension spurs, and has become a passionate advocate for, and teacher of, clinical decision-making. He deems this “math for non-mathematicians.”
Dr. Onrot has taught undergrad courses in clinical diagnosis, clinical pharmacology, and physiology, and, of course has supervised countless students, residents, and fellows through their CTU rotations. He has been a visiting teaching professor to many medical schools including: Calgary, Saskatchewan, Dalhousie, McGill, and the Mayo Clinic.
No longer conducting research, Dr. Onrot continues to encourage and supervise residents to publish valuable case reports, lectures and teaches on diagnostic reasoning, and occasionally can be coaxed into teaching on hypertension issues.