GIM members recognized at annual Department awards

Numerous Division members were recognized for teaching excellence at the annual UBC Department of Medicine Awards ceremony, held on June 19, 2019.

Eleven Division members made it on the Honour Roll for Faculty Excellence in Clinical Teaching. These awards are given to Department members who are evaluated as being in the top 10% of trainee evaluations for providing excellent contributions to the clinical educational experiences of their residents.

“Honour Roll” recipients were:

Dr. Cary Cuncic was presented with the Fay Dirks Award for Teaching Excellence, Dr. Barry Kassen received the St. Paul’s Hospital Master Teacher of Award, Dr. Jake Onrot was awarded the St. Paul’s Hospital Donald Whitelaw Award for Outstanding Grand Rounds, and Dr. Anita Palepu received the Shelley Naiman Award for Outstanding Teaching by Faculty.

Well done, everyone!